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ToggleSurah Al-Feel: History of the “Army of the Elephant”
The “army of the Elephant” refers to an occasion that occurred in 570 CE, which is otherwise called the extended time of the Elephant. This occasion is key to surah Al-Feel (the Elephant ) the 105th part of the Quran .The story is about an attack driven by Abrsha, an Abyssinian (Ethiopian) leader of Yemen, who looked to obliterate the kaaba in mecca
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“ہاتھی کی فوج” سے مراد ایک موقع ہے جو 570 عیسوی میں پیش آیا، جسے دوسری صورت میں ہاتھی کا توسیعی وقت کہا جاتا ہے۔ یہ موقع قرآن کے 105ویں حصے کی سورہ الفیل (ہاتھی) کی کلید ہے۔ یہ کہانی یمن کے ایک حبشی (اتوپیا) رہنما ابرشہ کے ذریعہ چلائے گئے حملے کے بارے میں ہے، جو مکہ میں خانہ کعبہ کو مٹانے کے درپے تھا۔
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Abraha was the christian legislative leader of Yemen, subject to the Abyssinian Kingdom. To contend with the Kaaba, which pulled in explorers from everywhere the Middle Eastern landmass ,Abraha chose to construct a terrific church in sana’a Yemen, expecting to move the strict focal point of the district to his congregation.
At the point when individuals of Arabia kept on making their journey to the kaaba rather than his congregation, Abraha became baffled and chose to annihilate the kaaba. He accumulated a huge armed force, which included elephants to complete the destruction.
The Invasion
- Abraha’s military, which incorporated countless contenders and a tremendous elephant named Mahmoud, set out not entirely set in stone to demolish the Kaaba.
- The Meccans, driven by the Quraysh tribe, couldn’t keep away from such a colossal and solid power. In any case, they searched for shelter in their certainty, contingent upon Allah for security.
- As the military pushed toward Mecca, it was met with a powerful intervention from Allah.
Divine Intervention:
- As per Islamic practice, Allah sent a group of birds called “Ababil” to obliterate the army. The birds conveyed little stones made of dirt, which they dropped onto the invading army.
- The stones struck the fighters, making them fall dead or be seriously harmed. The army was totally crushed, and Abraha, alongside his powers, withdrew in defeat.
- The loss of Abraha’s army is viewed as a heavenly wonder showing Allah’s power and security over the Kaaba. It was likewise a sign that the Kaaba was a consecrated site that would be shielded by Allah from any mischief.
- The year where this occasion happened is known as the “Extended time of the Elephant,” and it is generally critical on the grounds that it is the year where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was conceived, making this occasion a forerunner to his appearance.
The tale of the “Multitude of the Elephant” outlines Allah’s incomparable power and assurance of His sacrosanct spots. It is likewise an update that, regardless of the could of common powers, Allah’s will wins, and no power can hurt what He expects to safeguard. The occasion is remembered in Surah Al-Fil, which fills in as a sign of help from above and the significance of confidence in Allah’s protection.
What is the “Army of the Elephant”?
The “Army of the Elephant” alludes to a military driven by Abraha, the Christian leader of Yemen, who endeavored to obliterate the Kaaba in Makkah in 570 CE. The military included war elephants, including one named Mahmud.
Why did Abraha attack the Ka’bah?
Abraha needed to redirect Middle Easterner journey to his house of prayer in Yemen, however when the Bedouins kept on respecting the Ka’bah, he chose to obliterate it.
How did God protect the Ka’bah?
God sent Ababil birds that dropped stones on Abraha’s army, destroying them and stopping the attack.
What does Surah Al-Feel say?
Surah Al-Feel depicts how God foiled the military’s arrangements by sending birds to hit them with stones, delivering them crushed.
What is the “Year of the Elephant”?
The Extended time of the Elephant is the extended time of the assault, and it is huge as the time of Prophet Muhammad’s introduction to the world.
What lesson does the story teach?
It features divine security, the force of God, and how confidence can prompt triumph over apparently unrealistic chances.
Was Abraha’s army destroyed?
Yes,, the military was crushed, and Abraha himself withdrew, seriously injured.