Surah Al-Feel

Surah Al-Feel 

Five verses (Ayat) make up the 105th chapter (Surah) of the Quran, Surah Al-Feel (The Elephant). It is a Meccan surah, and that implies that it was uncovered in Mecca before Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) excursion to Medina. Around 570 CE, the Abyssinian Lord Abraha directed the “Multitude of the Elephant” trying to obliterate the Kaaba in Mecca. This surah relates the authentic occasion. This occurrence is viewed as an image of Allah’s security of the Kaaba and His power over everything, making it a huge occasion in Islamic history.

پانچ آیات (آیات) قرآن کے 105ویں باب (سورہ) سورہ الفیل (ہاتھی) پر مشتمل ہیں۔ یہ ایک مکی سورت ہے، اور اس کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ یہ نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کے مدینہ منورہ کی سیر سے پہلے مکہ میں نازل ہوئی تھی۔ 570 عیسوی کے لگ بھگ، حبشی لارڈ ابرہہ نے مکہ میں خانہ کعبہ کو مٹانے کی کوشش کرنے والے “ہاتھیوں کی فوج” کو ہدایت کی۔ اس سورت میں مستند واقعہ بیان کیا گیا ہے۔ اس واقعہ کو کعبہ کی حفاظت اور ہر چیز پر اس کی قدرت کی تصویر کے طور پر دیکھا جاتا ہے، جو اسے اسلامی تاریخ کا ایک بہت بڑا موقع بنا دیتا ہے۔

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Surah Al-Feel: History of the “Army of the Elephant” Now click here

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Surah Al-Feel

Importance of Surah Al-Feel

Historical Significance: 

Surah Al-Feel fills in as a sign of Allah’s guardianship of His holy areas. It underscores how God stepped in to prevent the Abraha army force’s attack from annihilating the Kaaba and Mecca. The occasion was a crucial crossroads in Islamic history since it occurred not long before the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was conceived.

Demonstrates Allah’s Power:

The surah emphasizes Allah’s absolute dominion over the entire universe, including strong armies. Despite the fact that Abraha and his military were solid, they couldn’t stop Allah’s will, and he crushed them with a little run of birds conveying stones.


وَّ اَرْسَلَ عَلَیْهِمْ طَیْرًا اَبَابِیْلَ(3) تَرْمِیْهِمْ بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّنْ سِجِّیْلٍ

“اور اُس نے اُن پر شکاری پرندے بھیجے جنہوں نے اُن پر مٹی کے پتھر برسائے۔”

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A Message of Hope and Trust in Allah:

Muslims gain from this surah that Allah is consistently in control and can help them in astounding ways, paying little mind to how overwhelming the powers against them might have all the earmarks of being. It rouses devotees to have confidence in Allah’s information and strength, realizing that He can guard them.

Connection to the Birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

The “Year of the Elephant,” which corresponds with the introduction of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is the year that the “Multitude of the Elephant” happened. This connection underlines how significant the surah is to understanding the Prophet’s initial life and the pertinence of his main goal.

Benefits of Surah Al-Feel

Protection from Enemies:

It is said that discussing Surah Al-Feel will shield you from mischief and enemies. The record of Abraha’s military’s inexplicable loss fills in as a sign of Allah’s capacity to safeguard His devotees from even the most impressive enemies.

Spiritual Strength and Faith:

By showing how Allah provides assistance when needed, the surah fortifies the believer’s faith. It fosters a sense of dependence on Allah alone and gives comfort in the knowledge that any challenge may be conquered with His help.

Ayat 1: 

اَلَمْ تَرَ كَیْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِاَصْحٰبِ الْفِیْلِﭤ

کیا تم نے نہیں دیکھا کہ تمہارے رب نے ہاتھی والے کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کیا؟

Healing and Blessings:

Reciting Surah Al-Feel can, like many other surahs, enrich a believer’s life with benefits and tranquility. Reciting it on a regular basis is thought to provide solace, reduce tension, and invoke Allah’s mercy.

A Powerful Reminder of Allah’s Mercy:

Muslims are reminded by the surah of Allah’s unending mercy and capacity to defend His people and home. It teaches that Allah is constantly conscious of His creation and steps in when necessary to accomplish His desire.


A profound lesson on faith, trusting in Allah’s strength, and the protection He provides to those who believe in Him, Surah Al-Feel is more than merely a historical account of an event that occurred centuries ago. It emphasizes how Allah, in His boundless wisdom and power, defends His holy sites and the faithful from the wicked powers, no matter how strong they may appear.


What is Surah Al-Feel about?

The Abyssinian monarch Abraha led the Army of the Elephant in their effort to demolish the Kaaba in Mecca, according to Surah Al-l. Allah stepped in and sent birds to defeat the army by throwing stones at them.

Why is it called “Al-Feel”?

“Al-Feel” means “The Elephant,” implying the elephant that was a significant person in the surah’s story and was utilized by Abraha’s military.

When was Surah Al-Feel revealed?

Being a Meccan surah, Surah Al-Feel was uncovered in Mecca preceding Prophet Muhammad’s excursion to Medina.

What lesson does Surah Al-Feel teach?

According to Surah Al-Feel, Allah has the most authority over everything and is able to miraculously protect His followers and holy sites. It promotes faith in Allah’s protection and wisdom.

Which Surah comes after Surah Al-Feel?

Surah Al-Quraish (Surah 106), which focuses on the Quraish clan and their advantages from Allah, comes after Surah Al-Feel.

About This surah Al-Quraish

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