Surah Bayyinah Translation and Benefits

Surah Bayyinah Translation and Benefits

Surah Bayyinah (Arabic: سورة البينة) is the 98th segment (Surah) of the Quran, including 8 refrains.

Here is the translation of Surah Bayyinah. The individuals who distrust among Individuals of the Sacred writing and the polytheists were not to be separated [from misbelief] until there came to them obvious proof. A Courier from Allah, discussing cleaned sacred texts. Inside which are the right works.

سورہ بیینہ (عربی: سورة البينة) قرآن مجید کا 98 واں حصہ (سورہ) ہے جس میں 8 احادیث شامل ہیں۔

سورہ بیینہ کا ترجمہ یہ ہے۔ اہل کتاب اور مشرکوں کے درمیان عدم اعتماد کرنے والوں کو اس وقت تک الگ نہیں کیا جائے گا جب تک کہ ان کے پاس واضح دلیل نہ آجائے۔ اللہ کی طرف سے ایک کورئیر، صاف شدہ مقدس نصوص پر بحث کر رہا ہے۔ جس کے اندر صحیح کام ہیں۔

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Surah Bayyinah pdf Download

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Surah Bayyinah Translation and Benefits

Benefits of Surah Bayyinah Translation 


Strengthens Faith:

Discussing this Surah helps the devotee to remember the clearness of the message of Islam and the significance of following the lessons of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It fortifies one’s confidence in the honesty of Islam

Encouragement for Truthfulness:

It urges adherents to hold firm to the obvious evidence (the Qur’an and Sunnah), and not be influenced by misleading philosophies or outside pressures.

Repel Doubts:

Surah Al-Bayyinah can assist with dispersing questions and misinterpretations about the confidence, avowing that Islam is the valid and last religion from Allah.

Guidance for All Time: 

The Surah gives timeless direction to the individuals who look for the straight way. It avows that all past sacred texts were fragmented or mutilated, and the Qur’an is a definitive direction for humankind.

Spiritual Cleansing:

It advances the refinement of one’s heart, empowering earnestness in one’s conviction and activities.


Surah Bayyinah holds extraordinary importance in the Quran, as it gives obvious proof and accentuates the conclusiveness and comprehensiveness of the message of Islam. It fills in as a sign of reality, calling mankind towards the way of uprightness and confidence in the last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH). Its recitation brings tremendous profound advantages, fortifying confidence and conviction in the lessons of Islam.


What is the meaning of Bayyinah?

Bayyinah signifies “the obvious evidence” or “the obvious proof.” This alludes to the Quran, which is the obvious evidence of Allah’s message to humankind.

Why was Surah Bayyinah revealed?

Surah Bayyinah was uncovered to explain reality with regards to Islam and to caution against the risks of skepticism and polytheism.

What are the main themes of Surah Bayyinah?

The fundamental subjects of Surah Bayyinah are the significance of the Quran, the message of Islam, and the admonition against doubt and polytheism.

What are the benefits of reciting Surah Bayyinah?

Some of the benefits of reciting Surah Bayyinah include increased knowledge and understanding of the Quran, protection from disbelief and polytheism, closeness to Allah, and reward in the hereafter.

How can I benefit from reciting Surah Bayyinah?

To profit from discussing Surah Bayyinah, recounting it with understanding and reflection is significant. We ought to likewise attempt to execute the lessons of the surah in our lives.

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