Surah Tariq

Surah Tariq 

Surah Tariq (Arabic: الطارق) is the 86th part of the Qur’an. It is made out of 17 sections and is named a Meccan surah. The name “At-Tariq” means “The Morning Star” or “The Knocker,” alluding to the divine body, the morning star (which is normally Venus), or an illustration for something thumping or striking. This surah fills in as a sign of the significant secrets of the universe, the truth of the Day of Judgment, and the outcomes of human activities.

سورہ طارق (عربی: الطارق) قرآن کا 86 واں حصہ ہے۔ یہ 17 حصوں پر مشتمل ہے اور اسے مکی سورہ کا نام دیا گیا ہے۔ “الطارق” نام کا مطلب ہے “صبح کا ستارہ” یا “دی نوکر”، جو الہی جسم کی طرف اشارہ کرتا ہے، صبح کا ستارہ (جو کہ عام طور پر زہرہ ہے)، یا کسی چیز کو تھپتھپانے یا مارنے والی چیز کی مثال۔ یہ سورت کائنات کے اہم رازوں، قیامت کے دن کی حقیقت اور انسانی سرگرمیوں کے نتائج کی نشانی کے طور پر بھری ہوئی ہے۔

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Surah Tariq

Importance of Surah Tariq

Spiritual Reminder: 

Surah Tariq underscores the power and greatness of Allah, encouraging individuals to ponder the regular peculiarities around them as indications of heavenly insight. It helps adherents to remember the certainty of the Day of Judgment and the ramifications for the individuals who reject reality.

Focus on Accountability:

The surah causes to notice the human spirit, expressing that each individual’s activities are recorded and will be introduced for judgment. It focuses on that nothing gets away from Allah’s information and that everybody will be considered responsible for their deeds.


وَ السَّمَآءِ وَ الطَّارِقِ وَ مَاۤ اَدْرٰىكَ مَا الطَّارِقُ النَّجْمُ الثَّاقِبُ اِنْ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ لَّمَّا عَلَیْهَا حَافِظٌﭤ فَلْیَنْظُرِ الْاِنْسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَﭤ


“آسمان اور رات کے آنے والے کی کیا خبر ہے کہ اس پر کوئی نگہبان نہیں ہ”

Encouragement to Stay Steadfast: 

This surah fills in as a support for the people who face resistance and troubles in their confidence. It consoles them that Allah’s arrangement will at last win, and the individuals who are honorable will be compensated, while the transgressors will be rebuffed.

Mysteries of the Universe:

The notice of divine bodies like the “Tariq” (morning star) urges devotees to consider the regular world and its signs as tokens of Allah’s innovative power.

Benefits of Reciting Surah At-Tariq

Protection from Harm:

It is accounted for that presenting Surah At-Tariq routinely offers security from mischief and insidiousness. A few researchers recommend that it helps safeguard one from the impact of negative powers

Guidance for the Soul:

Recounting this surah can reinforce comprehension one might interpret their motivation throughout everyday life, helping them to remember their responsibility before Allah and the meaning of their activities.

Healing and Comfort:

For those confronting profound or inner difficulties, the surah is accepted to give solace and comfort, especially through its message of extreme equity and divine wisdom.

Increased Reflection: 

The symbolism and subjects in this surah support profound reflection on the idea of the world, our lives, and the Great beyond, improving one’s getting it and association with Allah.


Surah Tariq is a strong sign of the inconspicuous real factors that oversee presence, especially the conviction of the Day of Judgment and the outcomes that anticipate both the exemplary and the devilish. By considering the indications of the universe and perceiving Allah’s command over all matters, adherents are encouraged to be aware of their activities and to confide in Allah’s insight. The surah isn’t just a call to profound care yet in addition a wellspring of solace, security, and direction for the people who discuss and consider its sections.


 What is the meaning of “Tariq”?

“Tariq” means “The Morning Star” or “The Knocker,” representing the striking power of the heavenly body or the thumping sound that is heard in the evening.

 When was Surah At-Tariq revealed?

Surah At-Tariq was revealed in Makkah, making it a Meccan surah.

 How many verses are in Surah At-Tariq?

Surah At-Tariq contains 17 verses.

What is the significance of the mention of the morning star in Surah At-Tariq?

The morning star is utilized allegorically in the surah to underscore the significance of Allah and the effect of His signs in the regular world. It likewise fills in as a sign of the approaching of another day, representing the unavoidable appearance of the Day of Judgment.

  1. Can reciting Surah At-Tariq have any benefits?

Yes,discussing Surah At-Tariq consistently is accepted to give otherworldly insurance, increment reflection on the great beyond, and offer solace and strength during troublesome times. It is likewise viewed as a way to bring direction and a feeling of otherworldly mindfulness.

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